July 4th in Chandler is a time for celebration, fireworks, and festivities. However, for our furry friends, this can be a stressful and frightening time. As pet owners, it’s crucial to prepare and protect our pets from the overwhelming noise and chaos.

Learn more about best practices for preparing your pet for the upcoming holiday at home, as well as calming products and supplements available at our local pet supply store in Chandler.

Understanding Pet Anxiety on July 4th

Pets, especially dogs and cats, have acute hearing and are sensitive to loud noises. Fireworks can cause panic, anxiety, and fear in animals, leading to behaviors like hiding, shaking, or even attempting to escape. In fact, a 2013 study found that fireworks were actually the most common trigger for fear responses in dogs.

Preparing your pet for this event can make a significant difference in their comfort and safety. It’s also important that you recognize the signs of anxiety in your pet, such as:

  • Hiding or seeking solitude
  • Whining or barking
  • Pacing or restlessness
  • Shivering or trembling
  • Attempts to escape
  • Panting excessively
  • Refusing to eat
  • Excessive lip licking

Preparing Your Pet for the Fourth of July at Home

To make sure your pet feels calm, safe, and supported on July 4th, you can start making preparations now. Here are a few ways you can work with your pet in advance of the holiday:

1. Create a Safe Space for Your Pet

Designate a quiet room for your pet during the fireworks and festivities. Now only does this help your pet feel safe, but it also prevents them from escaping. 

Choose a quiet, secure room in your home where your pet feels comfortable. Close the  windows and curtains to muffle the sound and block out flashes of light, and fill the room with comforting items that your pet enjoys, like their favorite bed, toys, or anything that smells familiar to provide comfort and security.

If your dog is crate trained, having their crate inside can also help them feel more secure, as this offers a den-like place for them to hide if they feel scared.

If you don’t feel like the room will be quiet enough, you can also add a speaker to the room that you can use to place white noise or calming music to drown out the noise.

2. Practice Gradual Desensitization

In the weeks leading up to July 4th, play recordings of fireworks at a low volume, gradually increasing the volume over time to acclimate your pet to the sounds. Start low and reward your pet with a treat when you notice them reacting to the sound, like a subtle ear twitch or a look in the direction of the sound.

As you gradually increase the volume, continue rewarding your pet for remaining calm while they hear the sound. This practice can help them build a positive association with the noises, helping them feel safer.

3. Maintain Your Pet’s Usual Routine

Nothing stresses a pet out more than the disruption of their usual routine. Leading up to the festivities and on the day of, make sure you keep your pet’s feeding, walking, and playtime schedule consistent to help them feel secure.

Exercising your pet on the day of the events can also help your pet burn off excess energy that could later contribute to their anxiety. Just be sure you take your pet for a walk early in the day, when the chances of rogue fireworks being shot off are minimal.

4. Make Sure Your Pet’s Identification is Up to Date

More pets go missing during the Fourth of July than any other time of year, so it’s extremely important that your pet’s identification is up-to-date in case of an emergency.

This means that their ID tags should have the right address and phone number listed, and their microchip also should contain the correct information.

As an added security check, check your fences and gates for potential escape routes, including broken boards or holes that your pet could slip out of.

5. Consider Calming Products and Supplements

If your pet struggles with fireworks or noise-related anxiety every year, calming products and supplements may be a great solution.

Calming supplements that contain ingredients like L-theanine, chamomile, and tryptophan are great for soothing your pet’s anxiety. At Bark & Luv, we carry a variety of natural calming supplements, including Vet Worthy calming aids and Pet Releaf Stress Relief chews and oils to help reduce your pet’s stress levels.

Another great option to try is an anxiety wrap or vest, like a Thundershirt. These work by applying gentle, constant pressure, similar to swaddling a baby, to help calm your pet. There are a variety of fits and styles to choose from, so select the style that feels most comfortable for your pet.

Lastly, pheromone diffusers and sprays can be a great way to naturally calm your pet, especially cats. These work by mimicking the natural pheromones that mother animals produce to calm their offspring.

Pheromone diffusers are available in plug-in options and sprays that can be used in your pet’s safe room or around the house, as well as in collar form.

If your pet suffers from extreme noise-related anxiety, consult your vet to determine if prescription anxiety medicine may be the best next step.

6. Offer Your Pet Distractions

During the actual event, distractions like toys and puzzle feeders can be a great way to keep your pet’s stress levels low.

Before the fireworks start, fill a lick mat, Kong, or puzzle feeder with your pet’s favorite snacks, then place those in the freezer until close to showtime. Remove them from the freezer a few minutes before the festivities and give them to your pet inside their safe room. Freezing the treats provides an added challenge for your pet, and it helps the puzzle to last a little longer.

Puzzle feeders also provide a few additional benefits. With the treats frozen, your pet relies on licking the feeder to get to the food, an action that is naturally soothing for pets. The treats also serve as a reward for your pet, positively reinforcing your pet for their calm behavior.

7. Stay Calm and Positive

Pets often mirror their owner's emotions, so maintaining a calm demeanor can help ease their stress. Talk to your pet in a soothing, quiet voice, and offer slow, firm pets to further soothe their anxiety.

If your pet displays anxious or stressed behaviors, don’t be afraid to sit with your pet in their safe space and offer comfort. While some may think that providing comfort may make the situation worse, sometimes your company is enough to lower their stress levels!

8. Assess Your Pet’s Condition Once Festivities are Over

Once the fireworks are over, check on your pet. Ensure they’re still in their safe room, and assess them for signs of stress. It may take some time for your pet to calm down if the noise has worked them up, so give them space if they need it.

Gradually return your home to normal by continuing your normal bedtime routines. Your pet may not be ready to participate in their usual bedtime activities immediately, so allow them to come out of their safe space in their own time.

Your One-Stop-Shop for Your Pet’s Needs

Preparing your pet for July 4th in Chandler requires understanding their anxiety triggers and proactively creating a calming environment. Utilizing calming products and supplements, alongside best practices for anxiety management, can significantly reduce the stress and fear associated with fireworks.

Bark & Luv, Chandler’s new favorite pet supply store, is here to support you with a range of products and expert advice to ensure a safe and peaceful Fourth of July for your beloved pets.